
The Smith clan

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What do you miss?

On my recent trip back to Minnesota the most frequent question I received from friends and family was "Besides the people, what do you miss the most?"  I didn't have a great answer at the moment but now that I am back I have been giving some thought to it and have come up with the following things:  I miss the Garage Logic radio program with Joe Soucheray; Buffalo Wings at Applebees; listening to sports talk radio in the mornings.  I miss driving! I miss our church services on Saturday nights; our dog Huntley; putzing in the yard and the garage and really the thing I miss the most are the people.  You really can't exclude them from the list.  When you boil it all down it is the people in our lives that make it all worth while.  We are making some new friends here but it is a slow process with the exception of Mrs. Cynthia "Woo" Smith who seems to befriend everyone.  Take care and give someone close to you a hug!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

We miss you guys too!!!!