
The Smith clan

Monday, August 16, 2010

The honeymoon is over

With Monday came time for Scott to head into the office and get some real work done.  Cynthia and the boys took their final exploration trip to the Shanghai Aquarium which is the largest in Asia.  Mason took about 200 pictures but only a couple with people - I guess he was a bit enamored with the fish.  I will post a couple of the good ones but promise to not inundate the site with fish, frogs, jellyfish, turtles, sharks, rays, aligators, eels, etc...The boys have orientation at school tomorrow and then their first day of school will be on Thursday.

I learned that banking in China is a bit different than in the US.  Pentair deposits a portion of my pay into a Bank of China account, however, China only allows them to deposit US dollars.  I went to make a withdrawl of cash only to find out I had insufficient funds.  I went to the bank to make a foreign currency exhange (10 minute taxi ride one way) only to be turned away because foreigners need to have their passports for any banking transaction.  Another 10 minutes back to retreive my passport and 10 more minutes back to the bank only to have to wait in line for 30 minutes before my turn.  The banking transaction in China involves many copies of paper receipts, stamps (they call them "chops") on each piece of paper, about 6 signatures and all this in only 10 minutes.  All tolled I spent my entire luch hour "learning" about the banking process.  My goal now is to beat the time it took to do this transaction!  I really wasn't too annoyed as everything that you do here in China for the first time is something of an interesting new experience and worth simply taking in and letting things flow.  (Ask me in about 6 months and I am sure my answer may be different)  For now we are just beginning to get into some routines - some new, some familiar.  Last night we all went to the gym and worked out together as a family - that is something we never did in the US.  We would all work out but not at the same time.  It was quite enjoyable and I hope it is something we will continue.


Michelle said...

"Chops", that banking thing sounds strange. So many things to assimilate to! Looking forward to fish pics.

Michelle said...

Oh, wait...just saw the fish pics at the bottom. NICE!

trudy said...

Every day is a new adventure! I am glad you finally got it done! Mason's fish pictures are really great. I am so proud of all of you for facing this new adventure together! Love to each one of you Mom

JenJen said...

I am certainly following y'all! It's so nice to get all of the updates! I miss you all so much! Landon and Regan - Preseason football has started, and I soooooo wish I could take each of you to a game this year! I LOVE AND MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Keep up on your LaCrosse, I promise I will come and see you both play in the next few years!
Mas - I really wish we could have spent some alone time together before you left - you are AMAZING, and I know you will do well in China! I'm counting on YOU as my tour guide when I come to visit(as I'm sure you will learn the language quicker than most) LUV U MASON!
Scott - I miss you too, my computer broke down, and I had to restore everything to factory settings, losing everything, including my resume...gosh, I could use your word savy right now! And, if you wear a blue Vikes jersey around me you will be teased forever! Love ya!
Cynthia - I miss you more than you can imagine! Although Scott is doing a great job on the blog, I wish I could see you as the author of some of them (and, yes you could spell check it before you finish) Scott is really no fun, I look for mistakes, but there are NONE! Start posting sista! I LOVE and miss YOU!
Oh, and last note....their going to continue to stare at you because you're beautiful, just stick you're tongue out at them if it bothers you(wait, ask your mom and dad first)!
I miss and love you all to the moon and back!