Chinese food in China is very affordable. It is western style food, whether bought at the grocery store or eating at restaurants, that will crunch your wallet. For example, cereal is between $10-$12! Isn't that insane! Knowing the prices of some of the foods, I did pack as much as customs would allow us to bring in our shipment. Then again, how long do you think it takes for three boys to polish off a box of cereal? I've requested they eat cereal with chop sticks. The cereal lasts longer that way!
Some things here in China are VERY inexpensive. For example, I have an ayi ( translates auntie and is pronounced i-ee) don't ask me why, this language is VERY HARD! Personally I rely on my pantomiming skills. (different story , different day). In any case, for $3 an hour I have a maid! Her name is Mrs. Jin. She speaks a little English, for which I am grateful, and she has experience working with 14 western families. She can clean, cook, shop, iron, babysit, do errands and I'm sure there is more, I think she might even do magic tricks! For our family, Mrs. Jin cleans on Mon., Wed., and Fri. afternoons. The apartment complex also provides two ayi for an hour per week. These two, clean all our window and three balconies. What is so insane, is that we live on the third floor of a 12 story building and they tip-toe around the outside window ledge to clean the windows without ANY safety devices! NO WAY could I do this, I'm so afraid of heights......I don't even like standing! One time I decided to face my fears and get a job painting houses. I climbed ladders to the third and forth floors, trembling and praying out loud the whole time. Face your fears... that's a bunch of poo! I'll leave windows to the sweet little cleaning ladies that prance around on my window ledges!
Cynthia, good to see you blogging! I need my own ayi, lucky you!
Ayi = auntie, huh? Hmmm... Are the boys going to start calling me Ayi Michelle?!? It looks like I have my own Ayu (John Paul) courtesy of an out of control government and a continually collapsing economy. LOL. Ah well, he's a keeper either way. So happy to see a CYNTHIA blog. Yay!!!!! Miss you!
xoxo Michelle
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