
The Smith clan

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday night at the Smiths

Yes, work, go, now, come here Regan, brush your teeth, pick up your room, why is this plate in your room, are you done eating, put it in the dishwasher, ohhhhhhh, my stomach hurts, where's Landon, go to bed, set out your clothes, bring the dirty laundry here, do your homework, turn out the lights, be quiet - these are the sounds of Sunday night.  We had a fun-filled day beginning with football and ending with a shopping trip to Carrefour.  In between we attended church, a wedding, ate out, bought Cynthia a new phone and took a long walk.  I am ready for bed. 

Big week ahead as I am planning my travel for the next three weeks - Japan, India, Qingdao for 2011 strategic planning.  We are trying to figure out what to do for thanksgiving and may end up eating out but haven't quite decided yet.  Wishing everyone a great week and a thankful attitude.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I love and miss each and every one of you, and would love to be near enough to hear the Sunday night sounds at the Smiths! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving together. We are having friends over tomorrow for an early Thanksgiving, as we are planning to volunteer with our church at an annual event we do at a migrant mission camp in the area called Festival de Gracias. Basically, we provide a Thanksgiving meal to the families, provide games and such for the kids, and send each family home with a bag of groceries. Mom and Ralph said they were heading to Virginia early as Laura's health, post-chemo, is not doing well. Kiss and hug each other for us! Love and miss you. Michelle