
The Smith clan

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

On your mark...get set...GO!

It takes a few days but the jet lag eventually passes as your body catches up to the pace at which you crossed several time zones.  And just as you get feeling back to normal - the weekend is there to welcome you with a host of extracurricular activities.  It all begins on Friday with football practice from 5 - 7pm then followed up on Saturday with the "Christmas Bazaar" held at the school where Landon and I have vendor duty from 12 - 2pm selling popcorn and soda.  Sunday is a football game followed by church and then usually a dinner out with friends and before you know what hit you - it is time to head back to the office!  Whew!  I am already tired just thinking about it and it is only Thursday.  I guess that is what this particular stage of life is all about - hustle, bustle and somewhat organized chaos!

Cynthia made a nice American dinner last night - hamburgers!  We mostly enjoyed them although the ground beef here leaves a bit to be desired.  We also had instant mashed potatoes in place of french fries.  It was good but we all got a bit melancholy for burgers on the grill back home.  It did help to remember that back home it is in the 30s (F) with snow cover while here we are enjoying temps in the upper 50s and low 60s with sunshine.

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