
The Smith clan

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Taking it easy today.

Well, inevitably the time had to come and I had to work all day.  Cynthia and the boys took it easy, swam in the pool and relaxed.  In the evening we set out for Shanghai Circus World to catch the 7:30 show.  On our way we stopped for dinner at McDonalds.  Landon was very happy and the rest of us - not so much!  However, I do think Regan enjoyed the chicken nuggets over the previous nights meal which included sauteed duck tongue and sea cucumber.  Regan was the only brave soul (besides me) to try both dishes and I was very proud of him although he almost lost it on the sea cucumber but in the end got it down.  The Shanghai Circus was absolutely amazing! It is similar to cirque du soleil with live musicians, singers, EXTREMELY limber acrobats and incredible feats of strength, balance and daring.  We all enjoyed that as well as the subway ride to and from the show.  Well, actually only "from" the show as going "to" the show it was rush hour for everyone else and we were packed onto the train like sardines.  There was no need to hold on as you were held up by the pressure being exerted on all the bodies surrounding you, surrounding them and so on and so on.  Did I mention it was HOT!  Even though the metro cars are air conditioned there is something that happens when you cram hundreds of people into a small space - it's called heat generation, in fact I think it is one stage prior to spontaneous combustion!  We all got home and had a great night sleep and I think I can safely say we are all adjusted to the time zone now.  Take care and thanks for all your prayers.

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